Letters Archive 3
We would like to wish all the Mufulirians (ex- and current) a wonderful festive season and a happy, prosperous 2008.
Best wishes,
Bridget, Sandy and the Mufulira Club |

The Eight Mile
river in flood,
January 2008 -
hope this brings
back memories!
pics in the Gallery
>>> |
From: "Elaine Tooze" <elaine.tooze@btinternet.com>
To: <contact@mufulira.co.za>
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2007 9:10 AM
Subject: Finding Childhood Friends
> Have you had any news of the Behrans-Sheriff family.
> Ted was the dad, then there was Graham, Vivian, Penny and Susan.
> Thanks
> Elaine Tooze
> |
From: Thomas Brookes
To: contact@mufulira.co.za
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 10:55 AM
Subject: Please add my contact info to the Mufulira Contacts List
hi there I'm Louise Brookes now, was a
Fisher. Lived in Mufulira from 69 to 76. Went to a convent school in Muf, (of which mum n dad
can't recall name) I will have been 9yoa when
we came back to UK. Bro.s Nigel n Adrian were 5 and 12. Lived on Sewangandoo St. opp. a big white
water tower. Had a pool and doberman named tammy-girl. Went to boating club lots n
fishing was fab. Dad worked an an electcical engineer. Mam had lots of coffee mornings. Anyone remember us. apparently the sun didnt suit me as a babe, I may have been the mardi whaler! |
From: gary.hughes@sandvik.com
To: contact@mufulira.co.za
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 12:18 AM
Subject: Please add my contact info to the Mufulira Contacts List
Can you please add my data to the list
I lived in Mufulira from 1967 to 1987 ( with school in between) and 9 years with ZCCM. Then in Kitwe from 1994 to 2001. Now I am living in Chile
I married a Mufulira girl, Jenny Dudley
My phone number is +56 999 18 3199
Gary Hughes |
To: contact@mufulira.co.za
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2007 12:16 AM
Subject: looking for old friends
Hi my name is Martha Tanner nee Beattie,
I lived in Mufulira from 1964-1967. I went to Mufulira high school after which I did my nursing training in Rhodesia. I am presently living in the U.K but hope that I can get in touch with somebody who remembers me.
Martha Beattie |
From: MerWarren99@aol.com
To: contact@mufulira.co.za
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 1:38 AM
Subject: Please add my contact info to the Mufulira Contacts List
We were in Zambia from 1972 to 1975
My husband was a rigger on the mine.
We were friends with Molly, Peter and Fern Girdlestone. Peter was the Mine Secretary. Please add to list.
My Email address is: MerWarren99@AOL.COM.
My husbands name is Jackie Warren, my name is Merle Warren and our two daughters who went to school in Muf. were Madelaine, she went to David Kaunda School and Ellen who went to the Mine School.
Yours sincerly
Mrs. Merle Warren
From: Linda Fletcher
To: contact@mufulira.co.za
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 1:32 PM
Subject: Important
Dear Sirs
I am instructed to act on behalf of Mrs Patricia Catherine Beech in respect of a claim for damages which arises as a result of the untimely death of her husband, Albert Edward Beech ( DOB 20/12/33), who was employed as an electrician in the Mufulira Mines between 1950 and 1955. He then went on to work for the municipality of Mufulira as an electrician.
We know that he was exposed to asbestos but are trying to locate anyone who might be able to give a statement setting out where in the mines Albert would, on the balance of probabilities, have been exposed.
Would you be good enough to please publish our request for assistance?
I can be contacted on
0118 952 7290
My Address is
Linda Fletcher Solicitor
Boyes Turner Solicitors
Abbotts House Abbey Street
Ref; LXF/45985/1
And my e-mail as above
Very Many Thanks
Linda Fletcher
Partner Head of Industrial Disease
From: G.J. Rossiter, IXSEP
To: The Mufulira Club
Cc: Eamonn Valkenburg
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 6:22 PM
Subject: Sad Return to Mufulira
On September 9th this year I was spending in my penultimate day executing a start-up of a new ion exchange plant at the Chambishi Mine facility.
I had arrived in Zambia on August 29th for the anticipated 10 day visit.
In my early working years I had spent time in Mufulira 1966-1969 (refinery) and 6 months in 1973 (smelter).
So, I decided to take a rum over to Mufulira on the afternoon of Septmeber 9th.
First, I must tell you that if you are not watching carefully you can easily miss the Muf turn-off on the Kitwe-Chingola road. In my day there was raw bush and good signs. Today there is a police check-point and various pedlars and no signs - that I could discern.
The road to Muf is riddled with potholes and poorly maintained. Crossing the Kafue and gazing at the rocky passages in the gorge brought back memories of swimming picnics and happy afternoons sipping beer and chatting with friends.
Having been part of the cycling movement in its infancy (19666-67) I remembered portions of the road that I struggled along during the 100-mile Copperbelt Tour race of 1968. Good companions I had in Morris Green, Ron Thompson & Harry Harris (RIP).
Arriving in Muf, after a further police checkpoint, I turned right to seek out the "Top Shops". I became confused as moving east along the Ndola road I looked for a familiar point to turn left into the main residential area. Most streets were blocked with concrete barriers. Eventually we made it and wandered through neighbourhoods that were unfamiliar. Finally I found the famous shops. From there I knew I could go straight north towards my old house on K-avenue (used be King George). I could not find places I knew were nearby; Doc Main's house for instance where I would stop and chat after my Saturday 25-mile time trial; really I stopped to see if I could flirt with Valerie, his daughter; also the Bolton's old house. I gave up fast as I realized age had taken its course.
Then I did find the old house I lived in for about 15 months with Lou Anderson, my adopted father (RIP), and friend Jurgen Schmotz (lost contact in 1968 when he left overland for Germany). How small it seems now and yet how so much the same. I am amazed it is still standing in the condition it appears.
Turned right (towards east) on J-avenue (Jameson in my day) looking for the single men's flats of 1966. Could find no trace at all.
Now I am feeling somewhat depressed about the state of the houses and roads and general upkeep.
Turned about and proceeded to run down J-Ave towards downtown.
I used attend the catholic church and so stopped to take a look. Obvious improvements here; a short wall and gate entrance, along the road that I fail to remember. Extended buildings from what I remember. Agnes Murphy and Morris Green were married there in a ceremony in which I was the chief altar-boy. I also remember sheltering there once from the heavy rain and getting a lift (bicycle and all) by the lovely organist - gosh I wish I could remember her name.
I made a quick inspection of the old Valkenburg house on H-avenue, almost opposite the catholic church. The driveway I entered is now closed off. The garden where I played with Stephen is still intact. Nearby, back toward the church is the Mulder's house. Peter, refinery shift boss, taught me so many lessons about life and work.
Before touring the main street I turned right to re-visit the club and swimming pool areas. They all appear to be there but without any sign of the young life I was used to.
We, refinery metallurgists, used go to the pool at lunch time and spend hours watching the girls - who knew that our hormones were racing and played their part in the game.
At the Mokambo turn-off I shall always treasure that road which served as a training stretch for me when cycling and also there were some good parties out at a couple of large houses - out there somewhere. Plus the journeys to get petrol (we were rationed 10 gal/month) on the Congo side where an Italian resident always provide us with Simba beer along with the fuel. Passport stamps, police checks, switching to RH drive and switching back, listening to Swahili and French; all this coloured out experience along with bribing the Congo MPs with 555 cigarettes in packs of 30.
I then went on a futile search for the old mine-mess, mine-club, cinema (bioscope), little theatre, library etc.
I went in several directions to discover where all these familiar places were and could NEVER find them.
I could not find the flat of my old mate John McNally who was simply a grand old friend during my second stay.
He used invite me for steak, chips and mushy peas on a Sunday accompanied by Match of the Day at 16:00 hrs.
I was in total disbelief and really down-in-the-mouth as I decided I needed to return to Chambishi and leave my quest for the place of my most intense memories undiscovered.
I spent much time at the places mentioned and have see so many faces, hear so many voices and feel so much good spirited companionship from old Mufulira residents.
Anyone reading this that can confirm exactly where the old centre of activity for Mine employees in relation to the east end of Main street, then please tell me and I shall make the journey again next time.
Prior to making my sad exit I took one quick look at the Malcolm Watson facility where many a night we ended up at the nurses quarters to finish the evening with those wonderful lasses and coleens including Karen Ross (my sweetheart), Maureen Seal, little (dynamite) Christine, plus the Irish contingent. How patient they were with us as we crashed their flats for coffee and solace.
Meanwhile, let me say thanks to those who made it possible to have this letter be read by those old Mufuliran's who find it and also many thanks to all those wonderful people who touched my life (so much for the better) during my short stays in the little town.
I now reside in Florida and am enjoying the challenge of growing a new business that has multiple applications in the mining industry which saw the birth of my career.
As time permits I shall write again and share more names and memories of those action packed weeks when we lived life to its fullest.
Sorry that this letter has rambled; I find that I cold keep rambling for hours but must stop for a while.
God bless you all wherever you are and may you all stay well.
Gordon Rossiter,
Mufulira Oct-66 to Jun-68, Feb-73 to Sep-73
Glorious Days
Other people: Gino (my parachute instructor & killed in car accident) and his mate (lovely young family)
John Warnock - great & understanding boss
refinery secretaries and accountants.
Hugh Wheeler, Murdoch Kennedy, Fred Harbor, etc.
refinery lead burners and fitters.
I see many faces but cannot put the names there anymore. Must contact
Joan Valkenburg to correct this!
I do think I would like to dedicate a whole day next time to exploring the old town of my first African experience.
From: Howardmanthey@aol.com
To: contact@mufulira.co.za
Cc: mwspine@iafrica
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 4:27 PM
Dear Ms Simcox,
We are trying to trace the whereabouts of Brian Francis.
Brian was at school with us at St Charles College Scottsville Pietermaritzburg and matriculated in December 1956.
Brian lived in Mufulira and our efforts to trace him have so far
failed, possibly you may know of him.
I am copying in Gerry Daniels who lives in your part of the
world, Germiston I think, as we recently met here in Pickwick near Corsham Wiltshire England where I live, and spoke of missing ex St Charles school friends.
I used to live in
Zambia, early 1964 through to the beginning of 1976, I worked for Barclays Bank in most of the Copperbelt towns but not Mufulira.
were part of the
1956 matric
class at St
Charles College,
a boarding
school in Pietermaritzburg, and
I guess that
Brian would then
have been 17 or
18 years old.
A 50th
reunion was held
in Nov 2006 in
but we unfortunately
had no idea of how
to contact
Brian. His
father was an
electrician on
the Mufulira
Copper Mine, and
he had a sister
Denise who I
think completed
her schooling at
the Loop Street
convent in
Pietermaritzburg a
few years later.
spent the 1956
July school
holidays with
Brian and his
family in
Mufulira, and
one of the other
Muf families I
met were the
If I remember
correctly, they
had 2 daughters,
the elder of
which was named
Eugene who did
her senior
schooling at
Kaffrarian Girls
High School in
the Eastern Cape.
Kind Regards and Best wishes for 2008
Howard Manthey
To: contact@mufulira.co.za
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 12:07 PM
Subject: Mufulira pics
(Have just been notified that the previous attempt to send this failed, so re-trying with fewer pics)
From David and Lavinia Coker.
I've just seen the Mufulira website. We lived in Muf from 1965 to 68, I worked in the central lab and Lavinia worked for African Explosives. We lived at 247 J Avenue - picture attached with both of us, Rusty the 3-legged dog and our mini-cooper.
I have quite a few slides of Muf which I scanned to digital a while back, I'll send a few more in another E-mail, as too many at once exceeds the limit.
One is of the Muf "A" squash team in 1968, from left; Trevor Watson (A teacher in Muf, now in NZ I think), Roger Elletson (who ran a contract engineering co in Muf), Me (Now living in UK), Les Cook (Also in one of your rugby team shots) and Brian Strong (Now in either UK or Thailand depending on season).
Other people at central lab at the time were; Dave Wiseman, Arthur Coulson, Naas Cronje (I note someone was trying to trace him - he was still there when I left in late 1968), Roger Watters, John Greenhough, Dave Oldroyd and many others whose names I might remember in time.
I am still in touch with Murdo Kennedy, who was a metallurgist in the refinery, and Lavinias ex brother-in-law is now married to Mary Cornthwaite who runs a vineyard in Australia.
More pics in a second e-mail
All the best
David & Lavinia Coker |